WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY, West Chester, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia Metro Area)
In collaboration with the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA
TOPIC: AUSTRIA WITHIN EUROPE: In Cultural History and Today/From the Habsburg Empire to the European Union
This conference is dedicated to the scholarly examination of historical, political, literary, and cinematic approaches to examining Austria’s place within Europe.
The period focus of the conference stretches from the Renaissance Habsburg Empire to the present-day Second Republic of Austria within the European Union. Paper proposals may also examine Austria in conjunction with other European countries and especially former territories of the historic Habsburg Empire. Presentations that examine Austria within Europe through life-stories, multilingualism, migration, LGBTQ+ identity, and notions of home are especially welcome. Proposals/Panels on the pedagogy of teaching Austrian Studies are also encouraged.
The primary conference languages are English, and German.
Please submit your abstract (250 to 300 words), panels are encouraged (no more than 2 presenters from the same institution) together with a brief, one-paragraph biographical statement at the following website: https://www.wcupa.edu/arts-humanities/languagesCultures/austrian-studies-association.aspx
Conference organizers: Joseph W. Moser (WCU), Roxane Petit-Rasselle (WCU), and Vance Byrd (University of Pennsylvania).
The submission deadline is November 27, 2023. Paper acceptances will be emailed in mid-December 2023.
At this year’s conference, we will offer an open-topic poster session specifically for undergraduate students. Please encourage outstanding undergraduates to submit an abstract (150-200 words) on any topic related to Austrian literature, culture, history, and film to participate in the poster session.
Dr. Joseph W. Moser
Associate Professor of German
Book Review Editor, Journal of Austrian Studies
Department of Languages and Cultures
Mitchell Hall 137
West Chester University
West Chester, PA 19383 U.S.A.
Office phone: +1-610-436-0062